So I'm sitting here in a first class seat on a train going from London to St. Andrews and trying to prepare a presentation that I was asked to give at a conference on Christian Worship being organized by the University's CU (Christian Union). I had an overnight flight last night from D.C. to London and I really didn't get any sleep and seeing as how I have to have something to say tomorrow to students who want to know all about worship, it doesn't look like I'll be getting any sleep on the train ride home. Luckily for me first class passengers get free wireless internet and as much coffee and shortbread they can handle. In times like this coffee can be a real blessing. I think I'm on my fifth cup and I'm feeling much more awake now. I re-read part of a book that I had come in contact with years ago by James Torrance called 'Worship, Community & the Triuine God of Grace' and I'm using much of what he says in this book to frame my talk on worship tomorrow. The basic premise of the book is that it is crucial the we understand the trinitarian nature of the God we worship and that this doctrine is indespensible to the Christian's life of worship. (So all you out there who are part of the church but don't really understand what the fuss is about talking about God in trinitarian terms should make a start at comprehending this great truth of the Christian faith. In fact, the way you worship may be changed when you come to terms with the trinitarian nature of the object of your worship).
As I sit here on this train looking out at the gloomy grey skies of Britian I find myself having a more difficult time describing what worship is than I expected. I'm a worship leader, surely I must have a handle on this!?! It seems to me that one way of talking about worship is 'worship as communion.' What I mean by this is that through the Son's role as intercessor for us we are drawn into communion with God by the work of the Spirit. When we find ourselves in this communion we are in worship. This begs the question, though, whether we are the ones who do the worshiping. I'm beginning to see worship as more of a gift. Perhaps, the ability to worship, or even the worship itself, is the Spirit's doing as he draws us into communion with the Father. Of course, he is able to do this because Christ's vicarious work on our behalf. Hence the connection between the trinitarian nature of God and our understanding of worship.
If this is the case then we enjoy the worship which the Spirit enacts in us as we are drawn into communion with God. Worship=communion? Don't worry I'm not going to spring all of this on the students tomorrow but hopefully give some hints in this direction.
Very insightful and beautiful Jeff. I think no sleep and lots of coffee must agree with you!:) No, actually it just shows that regardless of how tired and exhausted we are, when we are willing, the Holy Spirit can still teach us, and use us to minister His blessings to others, just as you did for me by sharing your thoughts on this subject. Thanks!:)
It's official... you are WAY smarter than me.
I get to wondering... where does a high level study of theology put a person when he wants to communicate it to the rank and file, as it were. Most folks will never come anywhere close to this understanding. How does one bring it to their understanding... is it only a select few that choose to dive into the depths of God?
That's a good question. It seems to me that the first thing to say is that 'all' of creation is called to contemplate the depths of God. I'm inclined to think, at least at the moment, that those who respond to the call do so less because of some choice and more because of God's work in them. Secondly, I think this is 'supposed' to happen in the church. To some extent the church fails when it is not actively part of the process to equip it's members to respond to God in worship. Thirdly, all of the best theologians that I have come in contact with have been pastors and I think this is one way of bridging the 'gap' so to speak. They do theology first and foremost for the church and would not dream of only doing 'academic' theology, even though their theology is highly 'academic' if that makes any sense.
Dude, you need to blog more. You've got nothing else to do now. :-)
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, I do wonder what you do with your time. Why no more blogging? Was it just a phase that you have outgrown?
By the way, I liked the comment about the great theologians of the past also being great pastors. It makes me wonder, however, why are you not a pastor? Next step, perhaps? You could join me in the trenches. :)
Seriously, I think I'm going to start a protest if you don't blog again sometime before we're old with grandchildren.
Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief, religion or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself. Exactly! Think about it Jeffery!
Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach
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