
3 Days of Eating Nothing but Sushi

So I heard the funniest comment in a long time tonight. It came while I was talking with my supervisor this evening who was also the evening preacher at our church. I'll give you a second to figure out what his sermon was about. Your clue comes from the title of this post. Figured it out? No? His sermon was on Jonah chapter 1. After his sermon we were talking about some of the things he said and some of the problems Johah had, i.e., not talking with God/responding to His call, etc., and out of the blue Steve said that Jonah also had nothing but sushi to eat for three days, and for some reason I thought that was hilarious. From now on I'll never be able to think about the story of Jonah without thinking about eating sushi for three days (or more accurately sushimi). I thought it was funny and thought you might too.


Becky said...

Guess you had to be there... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin' it's pretty gosh darn hilarious. I mean, I actually L'dOL and everything.:)